TrAAst :
Few games? All Have you lived under a rock for the passed 3 years? Basically all AAA games utilize more than 4 threads today.
There is a difference between utilize and EFFECTIVELY use.
Figuring out which apps or games can effectively use multi cores can be difficult.
Just because you see activity on all cores does not mean that a app is multithreaded.
It may just be Windows spreading out the activity over all available threads.
In fact if the activity is the same, it is a strong indication of a single thread app.
There was a recent comparison of a 4 core I7-7700K vs. a 6 core i7-7800X.
Yes, I know that is 8 threads vs. 12.
But in every case, the slightly faster single thread speeds of the 7700K equaled or bettered the 7800K
An older comparison:
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You can see how sensitive number of threads is in YOUY games with this experiment:
Try removing one or more threads. You can do this in the windows msconfig boot advanced options option.
You will need to reboot for the change to take effect. Set the number of threads to less than you have.
This will tell you how sensitive your games are to the benefits of many threads.