Which CPU should I use?


Dec 19, 2015
I have been plagued with issues regarding the components I have chosen for a PC I'm building, and so I have restarted from scratch so I can receive input for every individual component. This particular thread is dealing with which processor I need, either an Intel Core i5 6700k (6th gen) or an Intel Core i7 6700k (6th gen). The considerations involved in this are the functions of the computer (programming, gaming, and basic work applications), which will last the longest before an upgrade is needed, and which would have the best resale value. For gaming, I would be running a 1080 x 1440 with an average of 60 fps. Programming would be coding and networking. Basic work applications would be Google Drive, Skype, etc.

Many thanks,
I can't make sense of a lot of your post

There's an i7-6700k
There's an i5-6600k, no i5-6700k

There's a 2560 x 1440 resolution
There's a 1920 x 1080 resolution, no 1020 x 1440

If you are not running workstation or other apps which use hyperthreading, you don't need the i7

Perhaps you can provide a budget and monitor resolution and we can go from there.