I would not buy a 7600K. The 7700 non-K ends up cheaper overall once you consider motherboard and cooler costs, and is usually faster. The choices that make sense are:
-i5 7500 - good value, "good enough" for most
-i7 7700 - good value, good choice for people who want to stream or have monitors with refresh rates above 60hz
-i7 7700K - not a good value, but the performance is unrivaled
I would not recommend an H100i v2. AiO watercoolers generally cost a lot more than their equivalent-in-performance tower coolers. The Noctua D14 and D15 generally perform the same at a lower price with less noise.
If you get a non-K CPU, either use the stock cooler or grab something inexpensive like the $20 Cryorig M9i, anything higher and you're wasting money. For the 7700K, a $35 Cryorig H7 is a great value cooler and will get you 98% of the clockspeed something more expensive like a D15 or even custom watercooling loop will get you.