Which CPU you Recomend to fit my system


Feb 5, 2017
Hello people ,i cant decide what cpu will fit my system better ( i dont want to overclock the cpu)

gpu-RX 480 8gb
Motherboard-Gigabyte Z270X Gaming 5 (socket 1151)
RAM WITH XMP (which motherboard support it and especially 4000mhz ) Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4-4000MHz
PSU- 1000w (im ok with power lol)
Maybe you don't want to overclock but take an overclockable CPU anyways. Otherwise your relatively high-end Z270 motherboard will be wasted, as It's pretty much built for overclocking.

yeah K cpu's are faster by default soo i stick on that!the Motherboard i chosse is for future OC (not yet)

if you bought a z270 you should buy a K variant for overclocking. Unlike most people believe, you can legitimately run even an i7 on a 50$ h110 board without any bottleneck whatsoever. Motherboard only effects things like extra slots for sli/crossfire, voltage protection, sound card and overclocking capabilities, they dont effect performance. But again, if u have money for z270 u have money for i5 7xxxK (u dont need i7 unless u want to buy dual 1080s or 4kgaming)