
Dec 29, 2011

I am going to upgrade this week and would like to know your opinion on the following CPU's. That said, I am on a very tight budget and mostly play games like ME 3.
Which of the following is the best bang for buck.

Intel® Core i5 2500 Processor - 3.30GHz, Socket 1155, 6MB L3, 2.0Gb/s DMI Interface - R1820

Intel® Core i5 3550 Processor - 3.30GHz 6MB Cache Socket 1155 - R1860

Intel® Core i7 3770 Processor - 3.40GHz 8MB Cache Socket 1155 - R2680

These are all in South African Rands. My GPU will be the GTX 550ti.


Definitely no need to move up to the i7 2600/2700 or i7 3770 CPUs.

The price difference between i5 is small but so is the difference in performance.

Best bang for the rand should be i5-2500, especially if you get a good deal on a 6 series motherboard.
With the Z77 board already chosen I'd suggest getting the i5 3550 and paying the extra 40 rand.

It's probably worth the 'bragging rights' to have an Ivy Bridge system. And I think you'll get the extra cost back when it's time to sell that system to buy your next major upgrade.

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