
Apr 4, 2010
Hello all I am looking for a school netbook. I previously had a acer 532h for school but the atom is just not cutting it for certain things. the 10" screen just a bit too small. I am Looking at a 11" screen (I know it's only a 1" bigger but makes a difference to me) and something with up to 4gb of ram I have narrowed it down to a asus 1101 or a acer 1410 the 1410 has 3 processor configurations. Can you help me with them

Cellron 743 1.3ghz 1mb cache (comp is 349.399)
ulv su3500 1.4 ghz 3mb cache (comp is 389.99)
cellron su2300 1.3ghz 1mb cache (comp is 449.99)

Is the su2300 worth the $100 difference What would you think I appreciate your opinions....

It is not worth the difference. You won't notice a difference between the Atom and the celeron. Both are low performance, power saving processors.

Honestly, if you are not happy with the low performance CPUs and small screens, a netbook is not what you should look at since... well.... low performance and small screens are what characterizes them. You could get a decent laptop for $450-500.