Which Cryorig CPU cooler to buy?


Mar 2, 2013
I want to buy a Cryorig CPU cooler to replace my Intel stock cooler. There are 3 models which are H7, H5 Universal, and H5 Ultimate if not mistaken. I'm using Intel i5-3470 and Gigabyte GA-H77M-D3H.
Agreed, forget Noctua in this case. Just get the Cryorig M9i. You don't need to get anything better. Also, install it and set the fan speed to 1000rpm, as it should be quiet and cool enough. No need to run it at full speed.

CPU Cooler: CRYORIG M9i 48.4 CFM CPU Cooler ($19.99 @ Newegg Marketplace)
Based on your i5-3470 + H77 mobo = don't invest more than $20 on a cpu cooler. Even the H7 is overkill. None of their coolers will help your performance, but they will cost you a lot more $$. Just get a under $20 cooler. Afterall, you can't overclock what you got.

I would still recommend the H7, allows him to get a good CPU fan for the future if he ever upgrades, and saying that, it's only $35 so it's not really too overkill or a waste of money.

It's a waste of money though. OP would have been better off putting the extra $15 or so into something else as this isn't an extreme rig like some have. A $20 cooler will perform the same as a H7 at $35, but save money.
Well if he has the money for it why not just purchase it.

$20 is enough to keep it at stock settings, what if in the future he upgrades to lets say and i5 6600K and wants an overclock, he'd then have to purchase another air cooler with better performance. I think he'd rather purchase this now and if he ever upgrades then he could just swap that over and overclock if he likes.

This is one of the best, highly recommended CPU Coolers at the current moment, with the D15 being the top performing air cooler as of now.
i own the cryorig h7 personally with an i5 6600 and a msi h170 gaming m3.
i also added 2 noctua case fans (nf f12-pwm) and i can tell you i never heard a fan noise.

about the cpu cooler, the cryroig h7 is really good, but I'm almost sure you wouldn't notice a difference in terms of noise from the cryorig m9i.
temperatures will be the same too.

So Cryorig M9i fits my current requirements? How about Noctua NH-L9i? Why is it almost same price as Cryorig H7?