Which direction should my CPU fan point?


Oct 29, 2014
Hi guys, noob question here.
Im changing my CPU Fan + Heatsink. I've removed the old one and removed the old Thermal Paste.

Now im going to apply new thermal paste and install the fan + heatsink.

Here is my computer http://puu.sh/cEtr0/5b5defc4c0.jpg

Here is the fan http://puu.sh/cEtp3/82e6e4eaa5.jpg

Which way should i point the fan?

Should i point it up, towards the top of my case, down towards the GPU, Left towards the other fan or right towards the RAM.

Thanks a lot :)
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This is true, i would never say it makes an enormous...
I would point it so air is being blown towards the fan on the back of the computer case that is blowing hot air OUT of the computer. This way you are bringing a bit of cool air from the front of the case where you should have fans bringing in cooler air from the front and using that air to help cool your CPU. Also all your air flow would be consistent from a front to back (with a little up if you have top exhausts.)

Alternatively, if you have two fans up top to push air out you can reverse the fan in back to pull cool air in and point that CPU fan so it exhausts fan upwards and out of the top of the case and you have dual cool air coming in from the front and the back.
It's best generally to have the fan push air out of the back of the case and not the top, hot air rises and your video card would be directly below so it'll be sucking in heat through the fins.

Generally case cooling works by having front intake fans to bring in cool air and the back/top case fans to get the hot air out so having the CPU fan facing out to the right would be ideal because it'll take the cool air from the front and move it through the fins and out the case.

I don't think there is enough space for it to send air towards the back

While yes, hot air "does rise" in computer cases with proper air flow this isn't as much of a big deal as people try to make it. When it comes to cooling, consistent and good air flow is key.

The two best ways are either towards the back fan or up towards the fans on top.. you do have fans up top pulling air out right?

If you do this, I would suggest turning your back fan as an intake to help airflow a bit more if you find your temperatures are too high. If they are acceptable you can leave the back fan as is.

This is true, i would never say it makes an enormous thermal difference. Just that computer case design is specific in how the air should flow and why. It's possible to mount the CPU cooler in any orientation and be fine as long as the the cool and hot air are going where they should in and out of the case.
^ whs - you've mounted the heatsink the wrong way round IMO.
You can either leave as is & mount the fan on the bottom of the heatsink or turn the heatsink 90 degrees & mount the fan next to the ram.

The fan is made to blow air into the cooler fins - not blow outwards so make sure you mount the fan the correct way round as an intake into the heatsink.
with this type of Heat sink you can have 2 fans
1 pushes and 1 pulls the direction of air flow should travel to the back of the case

Sure you can have it any way you want but driving a car backwards is not very economical/smart/efficient/wise or how it was designed to be driven