Which Drive to Upgrade in my Laptop


Apr 2, 2013
Hey guys I'm running the y480 and have reached an impasse. I've been keeping windows on my 32g ssd for the lovely sped and due to being tired of running out of space I want to upgrade to a larger ssd. The decision comes in where I put the ssd. If I upgrade the msata 32g to something larger (80g-120g) then I still have a bottleneck with my slow hdd and a spare 32g msata doing nothing, but if I upgrade my hdd (to a 120g ssd max due to budget) then I have little capacity, a 1tB doing nothing, and the 32g msata will be the smallest D: drive ever. Currently the latter is looking appealing because I have an external already. Anyone have ideas for a compromise or something completely different?

Thanks in advance
If you upgrade the mSATA ssd to a 128GB mSATA ssd, then I do not see any problems. A 128GB ssd is more than sufficient for the operating system, software applications, and utilities. You might even be able to install a favorite game or two. The 1TB hard drive can be used to store data files and more games. Games on the ssd and hard drive can be easily swapped. That is a typical scenario. That leaves you with having to make a decision about the 32GB ssd.
If you upgrade the mSATA ssd to a 128GB mSATA ssd, then I do not see any problems. A 128GB ssd is more than sufficient for the operating system, software applications, and utilities. You might even be able to install a favorite game or two. The 1TB hard drive can be used to store data files and more games. Games on the ssd and hard drive can be easily swapped. That is a typical scenario. That leaves you with having to make a decision about the 32GB ssd.

As cool as that would be, I do use it for blu-rays and even if I didn't I don't think there's a 3rd port on my motherboard. Unless there's something I'm missing, I don't think this is viable. I did find this however:
Where they were able to merge the drives with rapidstorage and rapidstart. This option looks viable because the C: is shared, so it's still at least faster than mulling out on the hdd but doesn't fail when windows gets too large. Worst case scenario still is a performance tank once windows exceeds the msata so...

Thanks Johnny I like your answer most because it does seem the most viable. I believe this is the standard solution for this type of problem and if I gotta keep the hdd for now then I guess I'll have to accept it.