Which end of the floppy drive should the red ribbon(#1)of the iDE Cable connect to?


Apr 8, 2014
I have a Gigabyte GA-G31M-ES2L Motherboard.the manual says to attach the cable to the header
that designates the #1 Pin. On this motherboard the #1 pin is on the right side of the header:
L...............................R(#!). My dilemma is that I think I have connected the cable correctly(red ribbon (#1)on the left side of the floppy .This is opposite the connection of the hard drive and CD-ROM, in which the red ribbon is on the right side of these drives. I say dumb because it has been ages since I connected a floppy drive.
The problem I am having is that when I boot up the computer, the folppy dive light stays on, and when I insert a 1.44 MB diskette, I get message "Please Insert disk Into Drive."
the floppy is new. and it has an arrow on the left side to designate the #1 pin.
I am at a loss as to what is wrong. is it the connection to the floppy drive or something else that is not right?
I appreciate any advice/suggestions offered.
The red stripe on the side of the cable is pin 1. When connecting to the motherboard the red stripe should match up with pin 1. On 3 1/2" floppy drives I believe the red stripe (pin 1) is away from the power connection.
abagoffritos and dblclk: I turned the cable around on the motherboard and connection to floppy drive so that the red ribbon faces away from the power cable connection. No light on when computer booted up, but when i inserted a diskette, i got the please insert a diskette into Drive, message.
the power connector only fits one way.
In the Bios it shows as Drive A, and device manager recognizes it.
the hard drive and DVD/Cd Combo ROm are both Sata.Could this have anything to do with my problem?
maybe this motherboard isn't set to use the floppy?

I turned the cable around. No light when the computer booted up.I inserted a diskette into the floppy, and got the same message as before: Please insert a diskette into the drive.
the ios sees it as Drive A, and Device mgr says it is woking normally.
My hard drive and the DVD/CD Combo ROM are both SATA.could this have any bearing on my dilemma?
kenrivers: I did try what you suggested. I got the same message, "Please insert Diskette into the Drive."
The motherboard has the #1 pin on the right side of the FDD and the Floppy drive has the an arrow pointing to the left side of the back of the drive for #! pin, which is next to the power connector.
the power connector will only insert one way with the notch on top.
I don't know what else to do.do I need to do something in the BIOs to correct the situation? the O IDE Channel controller and #1 IDe channel Controller are enabled.

The combo DVD/CD-ROM combo is set as the first boot, Hard drive second, and floppy third. I will see what happens when I set the hard Drive first,CD-Rom second and Floppy third.
I believe the red ribbon on the floppy cable should be pointing towards the power connector on the floppy drive.