which end of the power cable to use on the motherboard?


Dec 20, 2017
Okay so I have this cable that connects CPU power to the PSU, one end is 8 pins, the other is two 4 pins...

Question is: does it matter which end goes to the motherboard and which goes to PSU?

My manual has no information on that sadly

Thank you for your time
Sounds like you have a modular PSU. If so the 8 pin goes to the PSU, the (2) 4 pins go to the motherboard (sometimes you need (1) 4 pin and sometimes you need both which is why they give you (2)). Not sure if you can even put them the other way.
But, as other poster said, we need the model of PSU and Motherboard to tell you for sure.

Thank you both for attempting to help

The PSU is EVGA 750W fully modular as you said

The motherboard is an Asus ROG Formula X

So the 8 pin goes into the CPU1 on the PSU

And the 4+4 goes on the motherboard's 8 pin slot for the CPU ?

Is that correct?

QQ: is it true that one 4 pin is needed for the mb to work, while the 8 pin is used to be able to OC?

Argh.. Okay sorry if I sound dumb but I'm not sure I follow

The 8 pin (not 4+4) goes into the motherboard
And the 4+4 (not the whole 8 pin one) goes into the PSU CPU1 ..... Correct?

Alright that seems to be the right way

Would appreciate it if you could edit the "CPU" to "PSU" so that others could benefit from your answer as well

Thank you very much for your time