Which fingers correct for wheelmouse?


Jul 1, 2003
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Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
buttons plus another button on the wheel.

I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my

But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
the mouse. It says

"you can scroll most windows page-wise by
holding the wheel button over the window and
clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
button. If you hold the left or right mouse
button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
pagewise scrolling."

Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!


Apr 4, 2004
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"CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.

I'm left handed, I use my forefinger on the right button, and wheel, next
finger on the left button. Means I can have my forefinger on the wheel and
next finger on the left button all the time.

One thing I cannot do though - is use the mouse when set up for left handed,
i.e: reversed buttons!


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Yeah, it'll be a bit slower for you to have to move your fingers around to
select a button or the wheel - and could be tiring (remember RSI ?) if you
are at it 10 - 12 hours par day (like me !).
What I do is hold the mouse between thumb and little finger at the sides,
and then the first finger falls naturally onto the left button, the second
onto the wheel and the third onto the right buttom. Minimal movement means
minimal tiredness and strain and quickest reflex. I also find that a small
mouse with a vey arched top is more comfortable than a large flat one, as it
lets your hand relax in a more natural position.
Far better than that, I prefer to use a trackball - the type where your
thumb controls the ball and your first three fingers operate the left
button, wheel and right button respectively. You can rest your forearm in a
comfortable position and stay like that all day without getting tired or
It's just the same as learning to play a musical instrument or
high-performance driving - aim for the smallest movements to do the job and
you are quicker, more accurate and get tired less.
If you do a lot of computer artwork, or play mouse-operated games, it should
make quite a difference. Try it and see.

CrackerJack <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote:
| Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
| buttons plus another button on the wheel.
| I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
| the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
| forefinger.
| But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
| you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
| the mouse. It says
| "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
| holding the wheel button over the window and
| clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
| button. If you hold the left or right mouse
| button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
| pagewise scrolling."
| Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
| then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!


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In article <b662edfbbb1d0b85be53914310aebe6a@news.bubbanews.com>,
CrackerJack <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> writes
>Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
>buttons plus another button on the wheel.
>I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
>the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
>But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
>you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
>the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
>Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
>then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!

Yeah, I have 3 fingers on my mouse, forefinger left button, middle
finger on scroll wheel and ring finger? on right button. However, don't
get too worried if you do it differently as long as you're comfortable.
Peter Ives
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In article <b662edfbbb1d0b85be53914310aebe6a@news.bubbanews.com>,
CrackerJack <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> writes
>Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
>buttons plus another button on the wheel.
>I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
>the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
>But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
>you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
>the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
>Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
>then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!

Yeah, I have 3 fingers on my mouse, forefinger left button, middle
finger on scroll wheel and ring finger? on right button. However, don't
get too worried if you do it differently as long as you're comfortable.
Peter Ives
Remove ALL_STRESS only before sending me an email


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In article <b662edfbbb1d0b85be53914310aebe6a@news.bubbanews.com>,
"CrackerJack" binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com says...
> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.
> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
> the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!
Sound awkward to me - I use a wheelmouse the same way that you do,
except I tend to use my middle finger for middle button clicks when I'm


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"CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.
> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
> the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!

i use my thumb for the left button, my index finger for middle left and
wheel. my middle finger for the middle right button and the ring(wrong hand
tho) finger for the right button


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"CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.
> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
> the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!

I have big hands so i use 2 fingers up.. index on left button and wheel,
middle on right button, thumb works forward/back buttons. "ring" and
"pinky" lightly rest on right side of mouse for movement. Tried the 3
fingers up like you saw, but find it a very awkward fit to get all three
fingers on top of mouse comfortably, have to really arch middle finger to
get it to the wheel! And i do suffer from RSI anyway, I do what i can to
mitigate it, but find that the 3 finger idea to me is just asking for more


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"CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.
> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
> the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!
I'm right handed but use the mouse with the left hand. Forefinger on both
buttons and scroll wheel, thumb on the "back" button on my 5 button
Intellimouse optical.


Mar 31, 2004
Archived from groups: uk.comp.homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware,alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 14:49:05 GMT, CrackerJack
<binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote:

>Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
>buttons plus another button on the wheel.
>I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
>the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
>But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
>you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
>the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
>Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
>then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!

The correct fingering is what works comfortably for you. You might even
want to vary your fingering to reduce fatigue, etc..



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Alien Zord wrote:

> "CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> news:b662edfbbb1d0b85be53914310aebe6a@news.bubbanews.com...
>> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
>> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
>> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
>> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
>> forefinger.
>> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
>> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
>> the mouse. It says
>> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
>> holding the wheel button over the window and
>> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
>> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
>> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
>> pagewise scrolling."
>> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
>> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!
> I'm right handed but use the mouse with the left hand.

Ah, so I'm not the only one :)

> Forefinger on both
> buttons and scroll wheel, thumb on the "back" button on my 5 button
> Intellimouse optical.

Middle finger on the left button, index finger on the right button and
also use it for the wheel.



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In article <5Begc.13599$yD1.36852@attbi_s54>, "nooneimportant"
no.spam@me says...
> I have big hands so i use 2 fingers up.. index on left button and wheel,
> middle on right button, thumb works forward/back buttons. "ring" and
> "pinky" lightly rest on right side of mouse for movement. Tried the 3
> fingers up like you saw, but find it a very awkward fit to get all three
> fingers on top of mouse comfortably, have to really arch middle finger to
> get it to the wheel! And i do suffer from RSI anyway, I do what i can to
> mitigate it, but find that the 3 finger idea to me is just asking for more
> problems.
I used to have problems with my wrist so I switched to a Logitech
trackball - I wouldn't want to go back to a regular mouse now.


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Rob Morley <nospam@ntlworld.com> wrote:

>I used to have problems with my wrist so I switched to a Logitech
>trackball - I wouldn't want to go back to a regular mouse now.

Probably related more the use of binary newsgroups than mousing
technique tho'! ;-))

>iv< Paul >iv<


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In article <ecb8c07e6bbfd9a67ca04ecb60bdd6dd@news.teranews.com>, JT
<spam@dcplus.dyndns.info> writes
>The correct fingering is what works comfortably for you. You might even
>want to vary your fingering to reduce fatigue, etc..
I can see this thread taking a dive very soon .... :)
Roger Hunt


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"Roger Hunt" <test@carewg.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> In article <ecb8c07e6bbfd9a67ca04ecb60bdd6dd@news.teranews.com>, JT
> <spam@dcplus.dyndns.info> writes
> >
> >The correct fingering is what works comfortably for you. You might even
> >want to vary your fingering to reduce fatigue, etc..
> >
> I can see this thread taking a dive very soon .... :)
> --
> Roger Hunt

Too late....

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In article <Rghgc.1577$N65.16740576@news-text.cableinet.net>, BigH2K
<peter2004@NOTTHISBIT.blueyonder.co.uk> writes
>"Roger Hunt" <test@carewg.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
>> In article <ecb8c07e6bbfd9a67ca04ecb60bdd6dd@news.teranews.com>, JT
>> <spam@dcplus.dyndns.info> writes
>> >
>> >The correct fingering is what works comfortably for you. You might even
>> >want to vary your fingering to reduce fatigue, etc..
>> >
>> I can see this thread taking a dive very soon .... :)
>Too late....
Ah, so it has.
But anyway, I still use a two button MS mouse 2.2A which leaves many
more fingers free ...
Roger Hunt


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>From: Rob Morley nospam@ntlworld.com

>I used to have problems with my wrist so I switched to a Logitech
>trackball - I wouldn't want to go back to a regular mouse now.

I use the Evoluent Vertical Mouse and I love it. I've only had it for a couple
of weeks but already my wrist and arm feel much better. Here's their website:


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In article <0b43809kcqercobhsh1qfu42tpuoitf5hb@4ax.com>, "Paul Hopwood"
paul@hopwood.org.uk says...
> Rob Morley <nospam@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> >I used to have problems with my wrist so I switched to a Logitech
> >trackball - I wouldn't want to go back to a regular mouse now.
> Probably related more the use of binary newsgroups than mousing
> technique tho'! ;-))
I was wondering if anyone would bite on that one :)


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In article <o24A7JAn8ZgAFwtH@carewg.demon.co.uk>, Roger Hunt
<test@carewg.demon.co.uk> writes
>In article <ecb8c07e6bbfd9a67ca04ecb60bdd6dd@news.teranews.com>,
><spam@dcplus.dyndns.info> writes
>>The correct fingering is what works comfortably for you. You might even
>>want to vary your fingering to reduce fatigue, etc..
>I can see this thread taking a dive very soon .... :)

Well lucky your first name isn't Mike. :)
Peter Ives
Remove ALL_STRESS only before sending me an email


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You have too much time on your hands!

CrackerJack wrote:

> Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> forefinger.
> But this utility http://kickme.to/katmouse seems to suggest that
> you have to have one finger on each button plus another finger on
> the mouse. It says
> "you can scroll most windows page-wise by
> holding the wheel button over the window and
> clicking the left (up) or right (down) mouse
> button. If you hold the left or right mouse
> button, you'll get continuous, accelerating
> pagewise scrolling."
> Does any work with the fimgers in the right place for that? If so
> then maybe I been using my wheel mouse wrongly all this time!


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"Loz" <loznospam@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "CrackerJack" <binaryblobNOTTHISBIT@hotpop.com> wrote in message
> news:b662edfbbb1d0b85be53914310aebe6a@news.bubbanews.com...
> > Which fingers do you use on a standard wheelmouse? One with two
> > buttons plus another button on the wheel.
> >
> > I use my forefinger on the left button and use the next finger on
> > the right button. When I want to roll or press the wheel I use my
> > forefinger.
> I'm left handed, I use my forefinger on the right button, and wheel, next
> finger on the left button. Means I can have my forefinger on the wheel
> next finger on the left button all the time.
> One thing I cannot do though - is use the mouse when set up for left
> i.e: reversed buttons!

I too am left-handed and am convinced the inventor of the mouse was too!
By using th mouse normally with my right hand I can still use a pen in my
left to write notes etc without taking my hand off the mouse :)



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