Which games should I buy from the Sale? Last day remaining

I've heard many great things about Tomb Raider, so I would go with that. I just bought it for xbox 360 and I haven't had time to play it yet, but it looks amazing.

It depends on your taste in games too of course, and Tomb Raider isn't my go to genre but after seeing the trailer for it and hearing a lot of great reviews I had to buy it.
Civ 5 - definitely if you like strategy games, but make sure that you have all latest dlc's
Dark Souls Prepare To Die - my favourite ever, definitely suggestion especially if you like challenges
Walking Dead - This game is pure story, it's so amazing and really nice experiance if you are looking for story/movies type of games
Deus Ex HR - Nah, nothing special to be honest, pure action with some rpg elements
Tomb Raider 2013 - it's ok game but if you are not Tomb Raider fan go with other