[SOLVED] Which gpu for 3600?

RTX 3060Ti or below, provided your PSU is reliable and output 650W of power to the entire system. You can manage with less but having headroom is a good idea. Yes the motherboard isn't a bad choice but if you have access to other brands and models of boards, you should mention them here as well.

You should also look into DDR4-3600MHz dual channel ram kits for the Ryzen platform, to get the most out of your build.
RTX 3060Ti or below, provided your PSU is reliable and output 650W of power to the entire system. You can manage with less but having headroom is a good idea. Yes the motherboard isn't a bad choice but if you have access to other brands and models of boards, you should mention them here as well.

You should also look into DDR4-3600MHz dual channel ram kits for the Ryzen platform, to get the most out of your build.
I know a guy who said he regrets buying an asrock motherboard due to its crappy motherboard software. So take that as you will. I've had a great experience with my MSI motherboard.

I'd also recommend a B550 motherboard as it comes with a few features that B450 motherboards don't that may be useful to you in the future (PCIe 4.0, resizable BAR, etc.).

GPU prices are out of control right now and vary widely depending on where you are. It'll depend on what your budget is.