Which GPU is stronger in a laptop


Mar 16, 2017
I was looking today at a IT expo to buy a new gaming laptop.My old gaming laptop has a gtx 960 and 8gb of ram.I was planning to get a laptop with a intel core i7,16 gb of ram, 1tb hard drive and a 100-200 gb SSD for the OS. But while i was looking between the laptops i noticed the laptops with the GTX 970 was more expensive then laptops with a gtx 1050/1050ti and only a few laptops with a GTX 970 was more expensive then the laptops with a gtx 1060.But laptops with a gtx 980 COST SOOO MUCH.Why do some GPU series 9 cost more then the 10.I thought that the bigger the number the better the GPU is .The laptop i looked at were from MSI,dell inspirion, Lenovo legion, MSI,alienware,acer and acer predator.It was a IT expo

so in order of weakest to powerful its.1050/ti,970,1060,980.What about 980 vs 1070.I found a good price of a laptop with a 1070