which GPU should i buy for gaming sapphire r9 270 or sapphire r9 270x ........pairing with pentium g620


Nov 30, 2013
I have Intel pentium g620
Corsair vengeance 4GB ram
Corsair VS550 psu
H61M DS2 mobo

I m confused what GPU should I buy .......? Which GPU runs well with my low end CPU........?
And after some month I will upgrade my CPU also to 6300 or i3 3220.....plz help me.......
Go with r9 270x. Your g620 will run in a bottleneck. when you upgrade your cpu you will be fine. I recommend to buy i3 4th gen cpu instead of fx 6300.

it can.. i have OC'd 6300 @ 4.1 on a vs650

Yeah but its a low end 550w and I wouldn't trust that for overclocking. It does not rank very well on the PSU tier list.

true.. mine can deliver 50 amps on 12v rail

his delivers around 42 amps ...its ok, but still below average


Most people here don't realize that games have been using more than 2 cores for a while now.

However, I will say that an i5 4690k or similar will be better in most games over the 6300 as it is the powerful quad cores that really take the lead in gaming. Games use 4-6 cores in general, but the i5 does take the lead in these games over the 6300 due to the more powerful cores it has to offer.

true.. single thread performance matters

but an overclocked 6300 gets par with a stock i5 which usualy fixes any issues