Which GPU to use?


Nov 1, 2015
I dont know what to do!
Now obviously If i had a huge amount of money I would not ask this question
I am going to have an AMD fx-8350 CPU
What should I get- Gtx 960 4gb or gtx 970, Is there a stupidly huge and extravagant difference?
Considering I am 15 and do not have a huge amount so spending an extra 80 quid may be too much?
I will be playing games such as GTA, CSGO, Far cry 4 ...
Thank you for your help
Another vote for buying an FX 8320 since you can easily overclock this to 8350 speeds even with the stock cooler .
Just be sure to buy a decent mb with a 970 or 990 chip set

Use that to make sure you get a 4 gig GTX960 or 970
I think a GTX 960 is perfectly acceptable for average gaming. But I am curious. You said "I am going to have" in reference to the 8350. Does that mean you haven't bought it? Have you considered going with an 8320 to save some money in order to help afford a better GPU?

Well there is... but i suggest you to look r9 380x. And If u go with 960, Dont buy 4gb version... Card dosent have power to push that 4gb of vram