Which GPU?


Oct 1, 2011
Hey guys i have a pretty bad PC overall but want to upgrade my GPU and probably PSU to play a game called Starcraft 2 which does not need a great GPU to run it on highest settings.

These are my specs

Intel core 2 Duo e6850 @ 3.00ghz
2gb ddr2 ram @ 266mhz

MOBO - 4core1333

GPU - 8600gt

I can currently run it on medium settings at about 30-45fps and i would like to play on ultra at 45-60fps
so it shouldn't need a great GPU (i don't want to spend much)

and what psu would you recommend as i will probably have to upgrade from my 400w
and what psu would you recommend as i will probably have to upgrade from my 400w

Actually you might not need a new psu but if you want a good upgrade then here's a good one:

If you dont want to upgrade your psu then a good choice would be a 5670 here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814129153

Depending on how old your psu is, you should be able to run it just fine.
If you have a small budget then get an hd 5570 here:
it should give you the 60 fps you want easy