I'm not sure what the difference is between a 7770 and a 7750 performance wise. What I would say is that getting more VRAM is good.
Battlefield 4 with everything set to MAX, on 1920 x 1080, uses roughly 1.6GB's of VRAM based on personal experience using MSI Afterburner. This was on an Nvidia card though.
i am confused with 1 gb 7770 or 2 gb 7750 ,can you suggest me?
yeah the 7770 is a straight up faster card, it's actual gpu is faster, the 2gb helps if you want to turn up some of the details or play on multiple monitors. could you swing a 7790? that card is a beast for the price!
while it is best to get the 7770 2gb, it should be noted that while a 7750 is a decent card, i do not think it can push enough when it comes to heavy games, like those requiring 2gb frame buffer. but i could be wrong
while it is best to get the 7770 2gb, it should be noted that while a 7750 is a decent card, i do not think it can push enough when it comes to heavy games, like those requiring 2gb frame buffer. but i could be wrong
Yeah. I actually read up on the 7750 now. The GTX 650 ti is faster.