Which graphic card + psu?


May 6, 2013
Hi guys been looking on this forum and it has great resources.

I just purchased my asus p8z77-v lx with an overclock i5 ( 3570k overclocked )

I decided on the corsair c70 :)

I need help on the graphics card and psu.

The only thing I need the graphic card for is stock trading and 1 monitor maybe 2. No gaming what so ever. Any suggestions?

Also I need a psu for my build, and as the c70 case can support 10 fans I need the psu to support them and the aerocool fan controller?

Any links would be helpful :)
Here are two good power supplies, 550w will be enough for any single card system, 750w is enough for two, probably three.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182073 (these come in 550w units too)
What GPU you want totally depends on how much you want to spend, from a low to high budget I recommend 7750, 650ti, 7870 LE, 670, these charts are also nice: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html
Hi mace, thanks for helping :) I will get a 550w psu.

Also the 7750 will fill my needs for 1 32" monitor and just general surfing, oh and also trading with streaming data.