Which graphic card will be suitable for this rig?


Jan 19, 2014
my specs-
c2d 2.93 ghz
3gb ram
250 watt psu
1366*768 resolution monitor
500 gb hd
well i know about buying a new psu and overclocking but i want a card to play all games like watch dogs,the division,titanfall on atleast medium settings for atleast 3 years.my budget is only 10000 inr.
note-this is important-i want to play games for atleast 3 years on medium settings but all high graphical games.
I'm expecting 768p at medium settings with that CPU.

According to this, you have some good CPU upgrade potential, if you can find those processors that is

A CPU upgrade to E8500, E8600, Q8200, and Q8400S will significantly boost your performance if pairing up with HD 7770 or R7 250X. It should be able to achieve 768p at medium for sure if not high or maybe even ultra settings depending on the game, I hope.
will i suffer fps drops and lags in games like bf3,bf4 ,watch dogs with your mentioned cards and for how many years they can thrive.Please also mention the settings on which i can play games.I m totally confused which card i shall buy so please help me.
I'm expecting 768p at medium settings with that CPU.

According to this, you have some good CPU upgrade potential, if you can find those processors that is

A CPU upgrade to E8500, E8600, Q8200, and Q8400S will significantly boost your performance if pairing up with HD 7770 or R7 250X. It should be able to achieve 768p at medium for sure if not high or maybe even ultra settings depending on the game, I hope.
So,if i go for cpu upgrade also,then will i have to upgrade my motherboard?sorry for asking it again but i do not get any reply.if i paired it with 7770,for how many years i can play all games at medium settings if i have your mentioned specs?

The link that I've directed you to in my last post will tell you exactly what model of processors you can put into your motherboard without any issue or BIOS update (most likely).

Um, probably a year or two if you don't switch your monitor and if you don't go for more FPS demanding games (such as intense multi-player shooting games)(Titanfall is a bit of exception as they optimized their game for low end component as well) .
I forgot to mention earlier, but some cards like R7 240 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121799 doesn't need anymore power other than the power coming from the PCI-E slot, but cards like GTX 650 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130827 will require a PCI-E power connector as you can see in one of the pictures within the link. However, different design GTX 650 might not require one, so we will need to be more careful about which card we are picking.

If you're plan on getting a card without PCI-E power connector then you don't need a PSU upgrade, but if you don't then something like Corsair CX 430 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139026 will be able to handle other low power consumption cards that still require PCI-E power connector, some of the examples are GTX 650, HD 7770, R7 250X (again, keep in mind that not all design of those cards require a connector).
If it says 250W on the label then it has to be 250W.

In this case, I would advise you to purchase CX 430 or EVGA 500B (both would work with GTX 650).

Actually, here is something else for you to consider. I'm thinking that you should just replace the CPU and motherboard to an APU set up, which consist of CPU and GPU in a single processor. If replacing to an APU, you will not need to upgrade your PSU, which saves you a good amount of money, and the APU will still be able to play with medium to high settings on 768p.
It's not bad of a PSU.

Have you give thoughts into my APU suggestion?
It'll be something like
http://www.flipkart.com/msi-fm2-a55m-e33-motherboard/p/itmdgkuk7z7f5kvx?pid=MBDDGKUK7Z7F5KVX&srno=b_3&ref=8dd53703-f663-4a7c-945b-a25f49831f43 (if you want HDMI port)
or http://www.flipkart.com/msi-fm2-a85xma-p33-motherboard/p/itmdmzw9ggswf8hd?pid=MBDDMZW9GGSWF8HD&srno=b_5&ref=8dd53703-f663-4a7c-945b-a25f49831f43 (if you want DVI port)

Update: If going with E8500 http://www.flipkart.com/intel-e8500/p/itmdfh3qbbggfzu4?pid=PSRDFGZA3Y2ZNZZJ&srno=b_1&ref=a5da9079-eae8-47bf-86f9-9cde29ed5fe9 GTX 650 http://www.flipkart.com/zotac-nvidia-geforce-gtx650-1gb-1-gb-gddr5-graphics-card/p/itmddmmguvqfvwmz?pid=GRCDDMMGUVQFVWMZ&otracker=from-search&srno=t_1&query=gtx+650&ref=a4c0e6d3-6c8c-4875-a23a-2e2934149600 VS450 http://www.flipkart.com/corsair-vs450-450-watt-psu/p/itmdbfa3kaffmum3?pid=PSUDBF9ZBHSJVGJ8&otracker=from-search&srno=t_3&query=psu&ref=878b88a4-a136-42a2-914a-94771c8fe633 the total cost would be around 20,000. On the other hand, A10-6800K and either of those motherboard that I've just suggested will not exceed 15,000.

Both upgrade/change should yield similar performance outcome, but with the CPU/MB/PSU upgrade option giving you a little future proof on the PSU (you can keep using the PSU in future upgrade). Whereas the APU platform doesn't offer much upgrade potential.

The question is, are you willing to spend those extra money to get no performance gain, but for future proof?
Well it looks same to me.In one i have to upgrade my mb,the other asks to upgrade my psu.Among both of them,which configuration will give me more fps and performance boost? I don't want to upgrade my system again and again.I just want to play games for more years on a less value rig.My budget is not too much.I want to ask from you.Do u recommend apu platform or the other one?
Update-in the apu platform, why u r not considering gtx 650.then the net price will be almost 20000 inr not 15000inr (similar to the second configuration).

Because one of the reason for getting the APU build is so that you don't have to upgrade your PSU. Right now the GPU and PSU is a bundle deal, if you get GPU, you will have to get that PSU, which both components total to about 10,000. The APU's CPU power will outperform any of the potential CPU upgrade from your original motherboard, the APU's GPU power will perform worse than the potential GPU upgrade.

I guess if you don't mind spending that extra 5,000 and only use this PC for gaming then I would go with the 20,000 upgrade, if you want to save more and have about 20% lower GPU power then go with APU.

Update: Actually just go with the 20,000 upgrade unless you really don't have the budget for it.
You said that i have to upgrade my psu at any case.So in regard with psu and gpu bundle,is this setup good for gaming.
but many people complain about this psu.they say that its 12V rail is not satisfactory.but on game debate,it has a 30A rating on 12V,which means that it can yield almost 360 watt.so shall i go for this psu?