Which graphics card is the better performer: GTX 1060 or RX 480?


Dec 10, 2016
Hey everyone,
So recently I have thought about upgrading my computer so I can get into the mid-high range area of gaming (I am not buying an entire new PC, just the main contributors of performance). I have been doing a ton of research and found a good $800 AUD area for gaming - the GTX 1060. This was gonna be my solid option for a while, but found that the RX 480 was catching up and now that the drivers had been updated for each it was beginning to outperform the 1060. I would like to know which would be better to get (I am looking at the 8GB XFX RX 480 vs the EVGA SC GTX 1060). I understand the 480 is also slightly cheaper which is a bonus.

(Btw I want to be playing games like GTA .V, Battlefield 1, The Witcher 3, Far Cry Primal and others at 60 FPS maxed out so any help would be great :). Also, the CPU will be an i5-6500 or if not that then a 6600k

If there are better alternative parts for a similar price, let me know, thanks.
The GTX 1060 is in majority of games better performing, however as Directx 12 grows you will see the RX 480 becoming equal. You can also Crossfire the RX 480, if you have a motherboard and power supply for CrossFire. Another thing, FreeSync(AMD) monitors are generally ALOT more cheaper than G-Sync(Nvidia) monitors, so if you may replace your Monitor soon go for the RX 480.
The GTX 1060 is in majority of games better performing, however as Directx 12 grows you will see the RX 480 becoming equal. You can also Crossfire the RX 480, if you have a motherboard and power supply for CrossFire. Another thing, FreeSync(AMD) monitors are generally ALOT more cheaper than G-Sync(Nvidia) monitors, so if you may replace your Monitor soon go for the RX 480.

Ok, I might try xfiring two RX 480s as I'm pretty sure my motherboards supports that. Thanks very much. I would much prefer having a graphics card that is future proof compared to one that is powerful but won't be for much longer.