I have recently aquired 2 video cards. 1 is a GeForce Ti 4200 128MB 4x for $140CDN. The second is the Sapphire ATI Radeon 9600 Pro for $200CDN. Not sure which one to keep and which to sell. Any info is appreciated. I am looking to possibly overclock them as well, I know the 4200 can be overclocked a decent amount. Not sure about the 9600 pro tho.
Dell P4 2.4Ghz
512MB Ram
60GB HDD 7200rpm
Geforce MX 420 64MB
Dell M992 19" Monitor
Dell P4 2.4Ghz
512MB Ram
60GB HDD 7200rpm
Geforce MX 420 64MB
Dell M992 19" Monitor