Which graphics card?

If you have trees that grow money, then the 780 Ti is definitely worth getting. There isn't a HUGE performance difference, but it is there. If you're still wealthy but a little budget minded, a 780 would suffice.
If you have trees that grow money, then the 780 Ti is definitely worth getting. There isn't a HUGE performance difference, but it is there. If you're still wealthy but a little budget minded, a 780 would suffice.

haha i'm certainly not wealthy but i do have a bit of spending money, i guess the 780 is for me, thanks for you're help.
You can look at benchmarks for yourself here:

If you are gaming at 1080p, then the GTX 780 realistically meets pretty much all your demands and there is little point in spending the extra money for the Ti version.

On the other hand, at 1440p or higher resolutions, then the 780 Ti is a very good (albeit expensive) single card solution. However at those resolutions the R9 290 or 290X (with non-reference coolers) are probably a better value for your money anyway.