Which gtx 1050ti?


Nov 5, 2017
I am making a budget build this black friday and would like to no which gtx 1050 ti to use. I have been recommended the msi gtx 1050ti gaming x. I was also checking out the Asus Rog strix edition gtx1050 ti. Or should I go for cheaper options such as a evga single fan gtx 1050 ti to save money and just upgrade to a gtx1060 or 1070 in the future. Also I wanted to know if the Rog strix edition gtx 1050 ti had less and if I needed aura inc or some other motherboard that has an led software to use these? Also can you even see the leds because the gpu faces downwards?
You don't need the same brand motherboard to use the led, just the software from the manufacturer.
Either of the 1050 Ti you mentioned would be a great choice for a 1050 Ti. The cheap single fan models can run warmer and you'd have to hear the fan ramp up when gaming. I'd go for the premium model, whichever one you like best. Though a cheap single-fan GTX 1060 3GB might be a few dollars away, could be worth it for performance.
You don't need the same brand motherboard to use the led, just the software from the manufacturer.
Either of the 1050 Ti you mentioned would be a great choice for a 1050 Ti. The cheap single fan models can run warmer and you'd have to hear the fan ramp up when gaming. I'd go for the premium model, whichever one you like best. Though a cheap single-fan GTX 1060 3GB might be a few dollars away, could be worth it for performance.
My processor is pentium g4560 so it wouldn't be handling the gtx 1060 at full power and instead be wasting the gpu power so.... Also by manufacturer do you mean the gpu manufacturer?
Should I find a cheaper dual fan card such as the zotac dal fan gtx 1050ti for 155 and wait for a deal on black friday to get it for 120$ or get the strix edition for a deal $150 as I am on a budget?

That's not a bad deal if there's nothing wrong with it.

I'm not sure how Black Friday will go. Right now seems to be black friday all week. Not all parts will go on sale, or at least not on big sale. It's usually the lesser parts that go on big sales. The parts not everyone wants.
It says the guy used it in his pc for 3 months and then upgraded the gpu so he didn't need it anymore. I think I will get something on black friday and then wait till the last hour to bid on it. Then if I get the $95 gpu I will return the gpu I get on Black Friday.

If you found a GTX 1080 for $100 it is likely not working and you should carefully read the description. Either that or it is a bid and will likely reach close to $500.