Which GTX 1070 to purchase?


May 25, 2015
Hello, I am looking to purchase a GTX 1070 from Amazon (I have gift cards so I can get money off)

I was wondering, which card should I get from the following link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Geforce+gtx+1070
(I am from the UK so please comment UK links back)

I am slightly confused on what the different brands actually mean, so far all I can find out is the clock speed and the cooling however many people say it's nothing that can be noticed, but why are the prices so much different?

If anyone could guide me to the one to buy, thanks :)

Okay thank you for the help, I have a 144hz and a 60hz monitor and I am slightly confused on which display connectors/cables to get

All it says is "Number of HDMI Ports: 2"
Now I am fine with purchasing 2 HDMI cables as I currently use DVI-D and VGA cables however I heard that HDMI cannot support 1080p at 144hz?

It's all sorted now, I will use a Displayport cable for my 144hz and a HDMI 2.0 for my 60hz monitor, thanks for all the help buddy!