Which GTX 970 is Best?


Jan 5, 2015
Which GTX 970 is Best?

It has come down to The
-ASUS Strix DirectCUii 4GB

Which of this has the best:
*Customer Support
*Overclock ability
Just choose the one that has the longest warranty with good customer service, that way you'll know that you have a reliable manufacturer to back you up when you have issues with it. That's how I ended up with Asus when I was choosing brands for my 295x2, it was between Sapphire and Asus for me, Asus had 3 year warranty while Sapphire had 2, plus I have never heard of Sapphire. So I chose Asus because they're well known for making GPUs with really good customer service. Luckily I did, lol, I heard Sapphire has some weird issues with their cards that you'd have to down clock your GPU to have it working. So that would be the "best" GPU you can get :)

But the Windforce OC is the same cooler just a lower Factory OC still on the same card so it can be put up to the gaming g1 and costs less. Only if your willing to tweak your own GPU though I guess.
Just choose the one that has the longest warranty with good customer service, that way you'll know that you have a reliable manufacturer to back you up when you have issues with it. That's how I ended up with Asus when I was choosing brands for my 295x2, it was between Sapphire and Asus for me, Asus had 3 year warranty while Sapphire had 2, plus I have never heard of Sapphire. So I chose Asus because they're well known for making GPUs with really good customer service. Luckily I did, lol, I heard Sapphire has some weird issues with their cards that you'd have to down clock your GPU to have it working. So that would be the "best" GPU you can get :)

EVGA has an incredibly forgiving warranty policy so I'd go with their cards. I bought their SC ACX 2.0 without knowing that, it was only after asking wether overvolting my card would void the warranty( which it doesn't unless you damage it of some sort) that a moderator responded saying that they took care of people who have been frowned upon and crticised by the community and forum for doing stupid things but EVGA covered them and gave them new cards. Probably the best customer care out there. But beware of the ACX 2.0 cooler! It has 11 backwards swept fan blades on 2 fans and if you ramp them to 100%, you get the same noise level as a small vacuum cleaner!
Hope I helped 😀