Which GTX card to get?

Derker Jerbs

Apr 19, 2017
Hi all,

I am looking at upgrading my pc and i believe i only really need a graphics card at this moment.

My current specs are:
- Baseboard manufacturer - Asustek
- Product: Z87-C
- Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3201 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
- Ram : 16gb
Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

Now i dont have much money and i was looking at a GTX 960 970 or 980 depending on the costs i could get one. looking at maybe $200 - $300 max

How can i tell if the graphics card will be supported by my motherboard and fit?
wit a graphics card upgrade would i be running AAA games at top specs?
Looking on Nvidia site the 960 and 970 didnt seem to give much more performance above the 660 so not sure what is worth getting. i could be reading it wrong

Any help would be great plase

of course newer gen such as 960/970 will give a great amount of performance over your GPU. Yes, number are numbers but in the end, you will see a difference.

Your best bet then is a gtx1060 since the 1070s are all above 300$ range.

Take something with dual fan, Recommend ASUS branded.

Other than that, really an RX480 would do great in your budget! especially with the DX12 being implemented more, you won't lose out :)
of course newer gen such as 960/970 will give a great amount of performance over your GPU. Yes, number are numbers but in the end, you will see a difference.

Your best bet then is a gtx1060 since the 1070s are all above 300$ range.

Take something with dual fan, Recommend ASUS branded.

Other than that, really an RX480 would do great in your budget! especially with the DX12 being implemented more, you won't lose out :)