Which has better performance for gaming

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Hi zeroothree , the first version is the best for gaming , GTX 850M with i7-4710HQ , because on a laptop it requieres more processor power to run the game smoothly than a PC .

I suggest to pick the first laptop with intel core i7.
Hi zeroothree , the first version is the best for gaming , GTX 850M with i7-4710HQ , because on a laptop it requieres more processor power to run the game smoothly than a PC .

I suggest to pick the first laptop with intel core i7.
Wouldn't the i5 be enoug for gaming as Pr3di said?
Enough for gaming will be games on medium or maybe some high texture, but you will not unlock the ULTRA textures, and most of games require TRUE QUAD-CORE , like intel core i7 .

so the i7 with gtx 850 will perform than the i5 with gtx 680 for a high demanding game like watch dogs or something like that.
Here`s some benchmarks:
i5 vs i7: http://www.gaminglaptopsjunky.com/i5-vs-i7-midrange-gaming-performance-test-gt-850m/
850m vs 860m: http://www.gaminglaptopsjunky.com/gtx-860m-vs-gtx-850m/

Now, which one gives a bigger FPS boost in gaming?
OP - the choice is yours!

the 860m yea, but i think those benchmarks of the 860m are done with an i7 processor?

I'll probably run virtual machines on it too for school. The thing is I read bad reviews about the lenovo.

Yea think i'll go for the lenovo y50-70, thanks for the help
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