I am planing to change my current mb( 890GPA ud3h not working anymore and it is out of warranty) to either GA-970A-DS3P Or GA-970 GAMING. Both are from gigabyte please help me in chosing between these two for playing recent games at 1080p resolution and for that i am also going to upgrade my GPU to gtx 1050ti.(will this be compatible or it will bottleneck)
Keeping in mind my current processor phenom II x6 1055T should be compatible with these.
And here in DELHI(INDIA) Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P is 2k Rupees cheaper than Gigabyte GA 970 Gaming
8gb ram
Psu 500w.
Plz help.....
Keeping in mind my current processor phenom II x6 1055T should be compatible with these.
And here in DELHI(INDIA) Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P is 2k Rupees cheaper than Gigabyte GA 970 Gaming
8gb ram
Psu 500w.
Plz help.....