Which is better More Memory or Faster memory ?


Feb 8, 2017
I have 2 4gb 1600 and 2 4gb 2100. would it be better to combine all 4 for 16gb and over clock the 1600 a bit or just use the 8gb of 2100 ?

What supernova is saying is correct. Faster RAM is better as long as you are not maxing out your RAM. If you never fully use or rarely fully use 16GB then 16 would be fine as an example but getting 32GB would be pointless if you never even use 20GB. The difference is much more noticeable on integrated graphics though. If you have a video...
More is better, assuming compatibility.

Your mobo will limit your 2100 to 1600 as that is the lowest you have so everything gets reduced to that.

Now there is no garantee those ram sticks will be reliable with one another (even more so if they are different cas/timings/voltages).

Try it, if it is unstable then just run the 8gb 2100.
Depends on what you're using your computer for. If you're trying to game on integrated graphics, then less memory at a faster speed is going to be better as your integrated graphics uses part of your system RAM as its dedicated memory. If you're running lots of applications at once or are doing stuff like video editing, more RAM at a slower speed will do better than less at a faster speed.

What supernova is saying is correct. Faster RAM is better as long as you are not maxing out your RAM. If you never fully use or rarely fully use 16GB then 16 would be fine as an example but getting 32GB would be pointless if you never even use 20GB. The difference is much more noticeable on integrated graphics though. If you have a video card the difference between DDR4-3000 and DDR4-2800 is almost nothing.


Here is an example to give you an idea.