Question Which is better, new PSU with higher quality or standard UPS to keep your computer components safe ?

Jun 4, 2024
Hello there.
Can u please suggest me which is better to choose from between upgrading my PSU or buying new UPS ?
Here is the story, right now Im using PSU fsp hexa 500w+ with a stavolt also 500w.
already using it for 8 years now, didn't have any noticeable problem but I do have my doubt because in those 8 years, it break 2 of my Mobo (Msi H410 in 1 year, Gigabyte H410 in 3 years).
Dunno if the problem is cause by sudden power outage or PSU is already on bad condition..
And the question is..
Did good quality PSU protect ur components from sudden power outage ?
Is there any PSU out there that have auto shutdown feature when power outage happen so my computer components won't get damaged ?
Did using UPS will keep my components more safe than good quality PSU ?
I have 100-120$ right now n confuse which more worth to spend on to make my computer safe from harm.
I'm mainly use my PC for gaming.
My PC specs :
I5 10400f
16Gb RAM
Gtx 1660s
2SSDs + 2 HDDs

Thanks to anyone who reply n giving me advice regarding my problem.
Jun 4, 2024
Woah nice..
From all that brand, cooler master look the most promising.. even tho the most expensive..
Thanks for the list..
Jun 4, 2024
Do you recommend any online store? Like iprice or shopee?

The H-10 series motherboards are not very good.
I'm mainly buying my components online from tokopedia or shopee..
Does that mean I should change my mobo first before changing my PSU ?
Is there best value mobo too around 100$..
I'm mostly using my PC for gaming.. mostly 7-8 hours a day.
Sorry for asking too much..
Really appreciate your recommendation abt PSU..


Jan 3, 2024
Is this AsRock B460M Steel Legend new or used? If new, this is the best motherboard for under $100 i can find.

Other decent motherboards:
B460M DS3H V2

MSi B460M Bazooka

They are not great motherboards, but much better than H410.

If you suspect your PSU is killing your motherboards, you should replace the PSU first.

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