which is better


Nov 7, 2012


Basically the diffrence is 8320 cpu from fx 6300.
Should i stick with the 6300 and OC it around 4.2ghz Also the boost is 4.1ghz so does that mean when i Oc it to 4.2 the boost will make it like 4.7 or something?

and next i got the 7970 or the r9 280x. According to reviews its about the same. Im thinking about going with the r9 just because its newer and newer direct x or however that works.

what do you guys think i should go with? thanks

Um those links dont work. your meant to copy the bit that says something like http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1XST9
written next to permalink.
(btw that link just goes to a build i designed for someone else on this forum)
oh crap. Well basically i meant. will the fx 6300 overclocked run as well a a 8320, or should i spend the extra 30 dollars for extra 2 cores for some more future proof. Im going to be overclocking on either one.

The other question was the r9 280x and the radeon hd 7970, i dont want to go with NVIDIA cause the games this gen are mostly going to be AMD based. So i was wondering what you guys thought about that..

is the 280x worth it. Same price and apparently runs a little big better then the 7970 (like 5 or so fps) But its newer so im thinking maybe it will run better on games, and it says something about 11.2 direct X. I don't no much cause i did not build the pc yet. im going to be building alittle over a month and im trying to get stuff straightened for a good build.