
Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

"Peter" <knucklehead000@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> In a mana hungry deck, like Tooth and Nail or Elf-Balls:
> Cloudposts
> or
> Urzatron Lands?
> And why?

Elf-balls? Should I assume that's like Elf-and-Nail (Tooth and Nail powered
by mana elves and elf-acceleration)?

There are relative merits to both, but a general rule of thumb seems to be:
Mono-colored deck can run Urza lands, multi-colored deck might only be able
to support Cloudposts. You can have 12 Urza's lands in a deck (leaving only
10-ish slots for basic land, which is usually enough if you only need one
color mana for the whole deck). However, you can only have 4 Cloudposts
(leaving 18-ish slots for basic land, which is usually enough to support 2
colors). The bad thing about Cloudposts is that you'll draw them less often
than an Urza's land (1/3 as often), so a way to search them out is
frequently included (Sylvan Scrying, Reap and Sow).
So basically, if you're running a 2(or more) color deck, try Cloudposts. If
you're running Mono, try the Urzatron. But, as always, test test test. Try
both ways and see which works for you.




Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

"Peter" <knucklehead000@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> In a mana hungry deck, like Tooth and Nail or Elf-Balls:
> Cloudposts
> or
> Urzatron Lands?
> And why?
> Peter

Urzatron you will be able to have an easier time drawing since you can have
4 of each. With one of each you can produce 7 mana. With a maximum of
producing 28 mana with all 12 copies in play. The negative side is that you
have to find all three copies to start producing more, usually not to

Personally I like Cloudposts. You can run 4 copies and still have plenty of
room for colored mana. Posts add up faster with less copies in play. You
can produce 2 more mana with the same number of posts in play vs. urzatron.
With 4 posts in play you can produce 2-3 more mana. The negative side is
they come into play tapped. Does hurt if you are using a fast deck!
Posts Urzatron
1=1 1=1
2=4 2=2
3=9 3=7 (1 of each)
4=12 4=9 or 10 (1 of each)

That is if you are the only player running posts. If you have an opponent
running posts also, you can produce much more. But that is something you do
not want to count on.


Mar 29, 2004
Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

"Griffyn 16" <rlcarper31@mchsi.com> wrote in message news:<hrrUc.174890$eM2.989@attbi_s51>...
> Posts Urzatron
> 1=1 1=1
> 2=4 2=2
> 3=9 3=7 (1 of each)
> 4=12 4=9 or 10 (1 of each)

Actually, 4 = 16. Quite beefy.
You need one of each part of the 'Tron, plus 3 of the guys that give
you three, to make 16.

So, if you can get more than 6 of these guys out, Urzatron is better,
but slower. With Posts you can get 9 mana pretty quickly with
land-searcher, WHICH you'd still need with Urza's to ensure you can
get that last piece.

Although, there's more redundancy with Urza's, if your opponent is
packing land destruction.

PS: Elf Balls is lots of mana & elfs, plus Fireballs. Plus, in my
case, Fanning the Flames (XRR, plus 3 for buyback. With plenty of
mana, this thing kicks butt) and Rolling Thunder. Also, I threw in a
Colossus to hardcast, and a Roar of Wurms, which puts 6 tokens down in
two turns, pretty quickly. That card is a LOT of fun to cast and cast
again. :)


Mar 29, 2004
Archived from groups: rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy (More info?)

> Also, I threw in a
> Colossus to hardcast, and a Roar of Wurms, which puts 6 tokens down in
> two turns, pretty quickly.

Not Roar of Wurms. Crush of Wurms.