Which is better


Jun 3, 2015
I am building a gaming PC soon and I will be upgrading it during Christmas time.

(1) I can go with a Intel pentium(I will oc it) and r9 280 and get a i5 for Christmas or a new skylake processor and change my mobo.

(2) I can get an i5(4460) and a r7 260x now and get another r7 260x for Christmas.

I am on a ~$570 budget. A r9 280x is too much money right now. Thank you in advance.
Actually I ahve to say this,

Do not crossfire Mid end cards. Crossfire increase FPS. Onthe other hand it produces more heat and requires too much power.

Go with R9 280 and overclock it a bit so It can reach the standards of a r9 280x. If the budget allows you later go with 280 crossfire

Just get the pentium and overclock it. Later buy a i5 or a xeon.