Which is bottle-necking me; CPU or GPU?


Mar 21, 2016
I'm looking to try and upgrade, but I can't seem to figure out which component is more in need of an upgrade. Currently, I have:

AMD A8-5600k
(Refurbished)Nvidia GeForce GTX 650Ti 2GB
500W PSU from Inland
Biostar A55MD2

I was thinking of either getting a new GPU around the $150 price range or get a motherboard/CPU combo for however much seems worth it. Which is better at the moment?
At today, your best shot is jump to intel side, you will notice a huge improvement, and no, Athlon X4 isn't a upgrade. yes, try to jump if you can to i5 4th generation, but, like DonkeyOatie said, you need CPU-MOBO-PSU-GPU.

Notes: You can keep the ram if you go for 4th or lower generations of intel, else , you need RAM too.

EDIT: Going for i5 is a good choice.

Currently, I play a somewhat wide variety of games. This includes Warframe, CSGO, Heroes of the Storm, Skyrim, and recently Paragon. I also plan to play Overwatch when that becomes available. My monitor is 1920x1080, so I try to run my games at that resolution (usually in exchange for texture quality/FX). I also do some video editing on the side with Adobe Premiere/After Effects.

In terms of a CPU, what might be a good CPU to aim for? Is an Athlon X4 an upgrade? Or should I just try to go for an i3 or maybe i5?

So what CPU would you suggest for today's standards? Would an i3 suffice? Or is an i5 a worthy long-term investment?
At today, your best shot is jump to intel side, you will notice a huge improvement, and no, Athlon X4 isn't a upgrade. yes, try to jump if you can to i5 4th generation, but, like DonkeyOatie said, you need CPU-MOBO-PSU-GPU.

Notes: You can keep the ram if you go for 4th or lower generations of intel, else , you need RAM too.

EDIT: Going for i5 is a good choice.