N Nacho Quera Reputable Aug 14, 2014 23 0 4,510 Aug 15, 2014 #1 I was wondering which Cherry MX key switch is better for FPS games
Solution tiny voices Aug 15, 2014 Reds are the most popular but are TERRIBLE to type on. I prefer browns as they are great for gaming AND typing.
Reds are the most popular but are TERRIBLE to type on. I prefer browns as they are great for gaming AND typing.
tiny voices Titan Sep 6, 2012 34,175 5 99,965 Aug 15, 2014 Solution #2 Reds are the most popular but are TERRIBLE to type on. I prefer browns as they are great for gaming AND typing. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Reds are the most popular but are TERRIBLE to type on. I prefer browns as they are great for gaming AND typing.