Which is the best mini-pc for gaming nowadays?

Cyrus Annihilator

Aug 15, 2014
CX-919, Measy U2C, GK802, MK802, Rk3188...

Which one is the best mini-pc if I want a protable "console"? Are they better than the Ouya or GameStick?

Thank you
What I would suggest if you really want a pc "Console, is to build a computer yourself using the silver stone raven RVZ01. Its a case that is about the same size as the regular gaming consoles (xbox/PS). You could put more powerful hardware in each and you get the satisfaction of saying that your build that amazing portable pc.
What I would suggest if you really want a pc "Console, is to build a computer yourself using the silver stone raven RVZ01. Its a case that is about the same size as the regular gaming consoles (xbox/PS). You could put more powerful hardware in each and you get the satisfaction of saying that your build that amazing portable pc.