Which is the best new Alienware slogan


Aug 18, 2014
I am busy with making some examples for advertisements. I am a gamer and because Alienware is the easiest to make some examples about I decided to make 4 Alienware examples. Which of the 4 slogans is the best according to you?

Alienware , There is No Worthy Substitute.

Alienware, Enter a Higher State. (cf. ALIENware)

Alienware, preparing technology for tomorrow.

Alienware, it's a whole different world. (cf. ALIENware)

Thank you!


Haha sorry if I was rude there.

I'm not sure what the intended purpose is for the slogans, but it has to give an accurate reflection to the style and quality of the company. For example, ''It's a whole different world.'' is kinda ok in a certain way because aliens should respresent a different world/planet. Yet I don't think it really is a suiting one overall.

Think of one and just use that. Be creative.