Question which is the better laptop??

well the real question is: how big do you want it to be?
it makes no sense comparing a 14" laptop to a 17" laptop

furthermore: what's important to you?
do you value mobility? or battery life? do you want a stellar looking display for multimedia? are you working with loads of excel spreadsheets? plan to game on it? encoding?

last but not least the Acer is twice as expensive as the Dell so I don't really know what kind of recommendation you're expecting... of course in strict performance benchmarks the i5 with a dGPU will totally stomp the i3 with iGPU --- question is, will you need it?
These three laptops are not in the same class. Are you looking for an ultrabook or a gaming laptop? Budget or premium? Do you prefer upgradability or slimness? Which operating system would you like to use? What softwares are you going to be using? and so on.

The last one is out 'cause it offers only 128 gigabytes SSD storage. (Upgrading shouldn't happen soon when picking a laptop.)
Read some reviews about the zenbook laptop.

Professionals usually tend to have an ultrabook and a powerful PC.
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The laptops you have listed for comparison don't really make sense! Each of those are in different class, so I think it is not right to compare them as it is. It would be better if you tell us more about your expectations or requirements on the laptop you are looking to purchase.

What is your budget?
Are there any specific brands you prefer?
What would be your primary purpose for the laptop?
Will you be using it mainly for gaming?
What are the specs you need?
Will you use it for coding, CAD, or other similar purposes?

Looking forward to help further!