Which laptop is better


Feb 25, 2013
I am looking at two different laptops and can't decide which is better. I have not ever used the intel i series. My last laptop which is 5 years old had a celeron single core. These are the laptops. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Samsung-Silver-14-NP700Z3A-S03US-Laptop-PC-with-Intel-Core-i5-2450M-Processor-8GB-Memory-750GB-Hard-Drive-and-Windows-7-Home-Premium/46186387
I really like the samsung, but my main concern is the cpu. Would the newer i5 in the acer make a reall difference. The samsung has a amd graphics card which I really like. This laptop will be used for web surfing, occasional movie, and maybe basic photoshop once or twice a week.
I would say the Acer since it's 130.00 off so your caomparing a 500 dollar laptop to a laptop less then 400. You almost always get what you pay for in computers so buy on sale if you can.
I have exact laptop except with touchpad. that mousepad is tricky and is difficult to work with. also loses wifi signals upon boot from sleep occasionally. works well with win 8 though and 4210u is quicker than my i5 450m msi with amd 5870m gaming laptop.