Which laptop to choose ?

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Aug 1, 2013
These are the two Dell laptops:

1) Inspiron 15 7000 series - Core i5 4200U + 6GB RAM + 500 GB HDD + NVIDIA GEFORCE 750M 2GB GDDR5 + 1336*768 TRUELIFE HD

2) Inspiron 15R - Core i7 4500U + 8GB RAM + 1TB HDD + AMD RADEON HD 8850M 2GB GDDR5 + 1336*768 TRUELIFE HD

My areas of interest will be light gaming , web surfing, MS Office etc.

I'm basically confused because of the GPU. If 750m is much more powerful than 8850m I can choose 7000 series but if both are same then I'll go with the Inspiron 15R.

Regarding the i7 4500U will it bring down the performance in games with AMD's 8850m ?
Yes I agree with ACTechy, though the 750 is slightly better than the 8850m, the difference in CPU power turns the tables in favor of the Inspiron 15r.

And the answer to your second question is that even though the performance of the 8850 is slightly less it's NOT THAT LESS both cards perform around the levels of the 660m which is a very decent laptop card. You shouldn't worry about the 8850m unless you're using programs specific to Nvidia cards (eg. iray in 3ds max), or want to have PhysX enabled in games (but its just extra eye candy). And according to me the i5 will be a biger bottleneck for the 750m than the 8850m for the i7.
Yes I agree with ACTechy, though the 750 is slightly better than the 8850m, the difference in CPU power turns the tables in favor of the Inspiron 15r.

And the answer to your second question is that even though the performance of the 8850 is slightly less it's NOT THAT LESS both cards perform around the levels of the 660m which is a very decent laptop card. You shouldn't worry about the 8850m unless you're using programs specific to Nvidia cards (eg. iray in 3ds max), or want to have PhysX enabled in games (but its just extra eye candy). And according to me the i5 will be a biger bottleneck for the 750m than the 8850m for the i7.

Can the ULV i7 handle upcoming titles ? I know GPU is great , but have a serious doubt about the CPU .

Hey, I gather you have already picked your solution for this question but I'd just like to advise against Dell, I couldn't tell
You about the 15r but I had the 7000 series laptop you are talking about and it was surprisingly slow during fairly basic tasks considering the hardware it was packing and the driver support wasn't great either. Just a heads up

Look the i7 may be able to, but I highly doubt the i5 will. In fact the i7 has a higher clock, and it's an i7 which is an upgrade from an i5 perspective. Check CPUBoss for comparisons. Out of the above two, the i7 laptop is definitely the better option.

Hmmm... Well good thing that none of us recommended the 7000 eh 😉 I have the older 15r with the i3 processor and works fine for me. 3D rendering (using 3DS Max mental ray) is a bit slow but that's about it.

As he mentioned he'll go for the 15r if the gpus are similar, which implies that he has enough money or both are similarly priced. It's always better to go for slightly faster if the price difference is not that high as it makes the purchase future proof. the i5 vis-a-vis the i7 may buckle down in case the user decides that he wants to try something more with his laptop. Newer games, too, are starting to require more power from the computer. Which is why the i7 is a better option especially if the price difference is not too much.
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