Which microphone should I get?

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Sep 12, 2014
I'm looking for a microphone that I can use with my normal headphones and decided on these two mics as they fit a lot of my needs. V-moda boompro mic and Modmic 4.0.
I was wondering whether it would be worth it to pay the extra for the modmic or to just go with the v moda. Also, would the v-moda mic need a pop filter of any kind and if so, what would you recommend.

Thanks in advance!
what headphones are you using? the vmoda plugs into your headphones, where as the modmic simply attaches to it. if your headset does not have a detachable cable go with the modmic. both have great reviews and neither need a pop filter.
what headphones are you using? the vmoda plugs into your headphones, where as the modmic simply attaches to it. if your headset does not have a detachable cable go with the modmic. both have great reviews and neither need a pop filter.
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