Which monitor is better?

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The LG has DVI and HMDI and the samsung doesnt have DVI.. and its not IPS?

Whats better? Getting the LG, a G500s mouse and headphones or getting the samsung and a G500s mouse...?

Unless you're doing critical photoshop or video editing, I'd go bigger like 30" or as much as your desktop realestate and you can handle. As for Mouse I just got a Roccat Kone Pure for under $60 at Best Buy and it beats my G500 mouses ass in FPS games, the roccat sensor is bomb! As for headphones, I swear by my 3 year old Turtle Beach X41's (wireless sound/wired mic), The newer TB headphone don't let you change batteries and are like $100 more!!

...Wont be doing photoshop so no 30'' and I dont live in the US so no Roccat Kone Pure or best buy here....off topic man :/ Talking about the 2 monitors here...

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