which motherboard to choose


Aug 5, 2016
I want to build a pc but I have some issues with the motherboard.
My preferred cpu is i5 6500 but I might go with 6600 (non k)
I do not plan on overlocking as 6600k is expensive in my country , but I want to buy a z170 (for faster ram)
is it worth the extra money to buy z170 and get faster ram?
And can I BCLK overclock an i5 6500/6600 ? Some motherboards say they have something that allows BCLK overclocking , such as gigabyte turbo-b clock ("enables overclockers the ability to change their BCLK frequency to a desired value....")

I am torn apart between Gigabyte GA-Z170-D3H (which has a good price imo)
and Asus Z170 pro gaming (which is a bit more expensive)
and MSI Z170 gaming M3 (not sure if I can find it so it's not one of my main considerations)
And I was also wondering if asus applications / "upgraded lan port" / etc are worth the extra money

I also saw another dofference between the boards , the asus one has 10-phase power but gigabyte has 8 . I read that more is better but I dont know if 2 less is a deal breaker?

And is CM V650 a good PSU? I plan to use rx480/gtx 1060 and BCLK oc (if possible) ? Will I also be able to crossfire rx480 in the future? and if I do choose 6600k , will I be able to oc and have rx480 (and maybe croosfire it?)?

I noticed both the Asus and Gigabyte motherboards had bad reviews on newegg . Do they really have all the issues that are mentioned?
If they are not good I can buy the Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 3 or the Asus Z170A (the white one)
I'd rather buy the cheaper one but quality matters more so , if I have to , I'd spend more .
If any board allows me to BCLK oc then that could be an advantage?
thanks in advance
Yes you can OC some using the BCLK (keep in mind it also OCs the rest of the system (DRAM, etc), so heat will rise. And a good 650 will be fine.
The GigaByte mobo should be fine, I'd go the Asus I believe, have a few builds on it and it's very good. The Z170 will allow for faster DRAM and with a 6500 - 6600 will prob be able to run 2666 anyway. The PSU is a decent one and should be OK, If XFire or SLI and OCing things - I'd like a good 700 anyway

I read more reviews and decided to buy the Z170A (normal white one)
but I read different stuff about BCLK overclocking . There was a 5-day-old forum post where someone said they had OCd the i5 6500 to/past 4 Ghz . Is BCLK OC possible? (because some articles said it's no longer possible)
So , can I OC a 6500 to 4 Ghz ?
And another thing that I read was that the Z170A (asus) board hasn't got decent quality , and had problems with heavy coolers (cpu coolers?) . So I was wondering if I could BCLK overclock a 6500 and install a budget cooler (212x?) and get more power.

So with a 650W psu , will I be able to do these things individually ? Like , just overclock , or just crossfire? because I was told that 500W was enough for 1xrx 480 , I thought 650 should be enough for 2 (or 1 and overclocking)



So is it better to get 6600k and overclock the multiplier than to buy a 6500 and BCLK oc?
I read about XMP and apparently I have to turn it on to get advertised frequencies , so is that any different than a bclk oc that would increase it's frequency? Or can I oc ram and cpu seperately?
sorry to revive the thread I didnt want to make a new one