Which mouse is better


Jul 26, 2016
hi,so im looking for a new mouse and dont want to spend too much on it,i currently own the G300s and i mainly use it for CSGO,however i dot know exactly what to go for since i have so man options.

1.Deathadder chroma😛retty well known mouse in the csgo community and affordable.

2Logitech G402.pretty much the best sensor out there

3.Rival 100(same price as G402 but cheaper than chroma)pretty well known as well.

4-Logitech 303(not really sure if is a good upgrade coming from a 300s)
Question from camilo9712 : "which mouse should i buy?"

Why not the 502? It'll last you years, and it's the same price as the chroma but has the features of the 402 plus extra buttons. Nothing will be a huge upgrade from the 300s though, it's not like GPUs or CPUs, there's not much difference between a $30 and $60 mouse other than build quality for most people
Question from camilo9712 : "which mouse should i buy?"

so ,i got the DA chroma and i love it ,however here is a problem and is the fact that im a claw grip and i cant seem to properly place my hand on the mouse,i was wondering if you guys would return it if it was our choice or if maybe i should give the mouse some more time so i can get used to it more,because i was gonna get the g303 which was a little cheaper and overall for claw grip guys(my claw is like and hybrid between claw and palm)but the only reason i went for the DA was because is optical and that means more accuracy,right?
Optical doesn't necessarily mean it is more or less accurate. The quality of the sensor itself (laser or optical) makes all the difference. I would definitely say it is worth returning if it is not comfortable to use as I consider the fit to be the #2 most important part about a mouse besides the sensor.

The G303 sensor does not have prediction or acceleration so it is a good one to use. You can also look at the Finalmouse which has a very similar shape to it but uses the 3310 sensor.