Which new r9 290x model is best?


Dec 19, 2013
Leaving aside the reference models for obvious reasons, which one of the newer r9 290x models is the best choice to get? (aka which one has the best cooler and gives the best performance)

i've seen that the two I know so far have reviews already:


I'm planning on building my first gaming pc with an r9 290x graphics card, and now that these after-market cooler models are out, i'm sure it's the perfect time to finally get started! Any help with this question and/or advice on the build would be appreciated! Thanks! :)

No, the ASUS cooler is not designed for the card (It is the cooler designed for the GTX 780 slapped onto a PCB for the r9 290x) and suffers from 2 heat pipes not being in proper contact. The Sapphire card is way ahead and can actually overclock well beyond the ASUS card leaving performance difference not even close to an issue...
I'm really really glad my search brought me here....To filter out the misinformation. http://www.legitreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/metroll-clock-speeds-645x531.png is a link of reference boards running side by side, one with a kraken, one with reference cooler The kraken doens't hit the thermal limit by any means yet the clock rate SUCKS still. This is due to design flaws in the stock pcb WHICH ....yep sapphire is using, ASUS however is running a fully custom PCB and they have effectively eliminated those as you can see here. http://www.guru3d.com/index.php?ct=articles&action=file&id=8415 So please do research instead of listening to the words of the uninformed and make your own choice :) I'm just giving you a direction.

No, the ASUS cooler is not designed for the card (It is the cooler designed for the GTX 780 slapped onto a PCB for the r9 290x) and suffers from 2 heat pipes not being in proper contact. The Sapphire card is way ahead and can actually overclock well beyond the ASUS card leaving performance difference not even close to an issue.

Newegg is gouging though...

ASUS $729 (At least was last time I checked)
example: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121840
SAPPHIRE: $689.99 (At least was last time I checked)
example: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202079

Even Better: Check out these prices....

Actually, thats the case for the asus r9 290(Non x) the DirectCU II cooler on the 290x has all it's heat pipes touching and i know this as i took apart mine to install water cooling.


You do realize the cards are of the same physical parameters and differ only in terms of active and capable components right? So 290 and 290x should have the same pcb and heat sink contacts more or less, in fact should be identical for identical comparisons. The DCUII cooler in question was hastily applied to get it out quickly to market while the 290x was hot, no pun intended. It was not a carefully designed cooler, that came later from ASUS.

Ha Ha Ha Ha....
That is how I felt a moment ago when I got the update email....