Which Nvidia 1080Ti board has the best cooling system?


Jul 16, 2017
Hello, I plan to put 1-4 Nvidia 1080Ti in a system to run applications that support CUDA. I plan to use the machine 24x7 sometimes. I read that when the temperature has reached a certain degree, the graphic boards automatically lower the speed. Thus, somebody suggested that it is better to use water cooling than fans. Is this right? I guess there are two options: 1) Buy the GPU with water cooling system pre-installed. 2) Buy the GPU and add a water cooling system. Which is better? What products do you recommend?

One thing I try to avoid is to put those liquid into the system myself. I worry that there may be leakage and destroy my expensive system. Thanks
One thing to bear in mind after re-reading your post... If you're planning on running 24x7 (long/short periods) and a possibility of a multi-GPU config, please be sure that your case is up to the task of efficient and optimal system cooling if you go w/air-cooled GPUs AND also consider the space or what's left of it between the GPUs for their airflow.

You'll find, that no matter how good the individual GPU air-cooling setup is, add in multiple cards (especially more than 2) and you will negate that benefit over long periods of operation. Again, especially if case air-flow (and GPU spacing) is not efficient/sufficient and at optimal performance.

Ideally, in a 3+ GPU SLI setup, you want GPUs that are better designed expelling heat from...

Then you are looking for something like this: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125987 Aorus GTX 1080 Ti Waterforce that is an "AIO" GPU...

There is what's called a "hybrid" that still has a FE type blower fan on the GPU and one for the Radiator. Cooling and GPU performance for what it is may or may not be as expected/mixed results as even compared to it's better air cooled counterparts. And there's the "water-block only" that requires a separate pump/rad/reservoir/fan setup that has outstanding cooling BUT at an additional cost as compared to a hybrid or "AIO" GPU.

Here's some reviews/thoughts on the Aorus:


Newegg Customer reviews on top-rated Hybrid GTX 1080 Ti:
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487346 EVGA SC2

Newegg Customer reviews on top-rated Water-Block GTX 1080 Ti:
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125988 Aorus Waterforce


Thanks Sam and blankcr8.

What does ftw3 stand for?

I read some posts recommending Founders Edition via other posts recommending the opposite. Which is correct?

For these two cards, does each of them occupies two slots space? Are they silent? Which is quieter? Some users said the Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme is very quiet but others said the opposite. I am also a bit concern about whether or not it can fit in the motherboard physically as some users pointed out that it does not fit well with Gigabyte's own board and there are some software issues.

As stated above ftw3 is for the win 3 https://youtu.be/-WE4UWGHnzU this video may be helpful for you, very in depth about temps and noise levels

One thing to bear in mind after re-reading your post... If you're planning on running 24x7 (long/short periods) and a possibility of a multi-GPU config, please be sure that your case is up to the task of efficient and optimal system cooling if you go w/air-cooled GPUs AND also consider the space or what's left of it between the GPUs for their airflow.

You'll find, that no matter how good the individual GPU air-cooling setup is, add in multiple cards (especially more than 2) and you will negate that benefit over long periods of operation. Again, especially if case air-flow (and GPU spacing) is not efficient/sufficient and at optimal performance.

Ideally, in a 3+ GPU SLI setup, you want GPUs that are better designed expelling heat from the case even though some have their short-comings (i.e. FE GPUs, Hybrid GPUs, Waterblock GPUs, AIO GPUs) vs. using ambient case air to cool the GPU like custom-vender air-cooled GPUs do.

Single GPU or 2-way SLI, you are okay with custom-vendor air-cooled GPUs as the slot-spacing on most motherboards is enough to allow for optimal airflow between 2 GPUs.

Something(s) to consider...