Which NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 to buy?


Aug 14, 2013
Hi there,

I am going to buy this GPU and wanted to know which of the below two to get-



Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2 GB GDDR5:

The MSI card has only one fan with factory OCed, is this good enough for cooling.. I will be buying a CM HAF 912 case. The Gigabyte card has "N660OC-2GD" and MSI has "N660-2GD5".. what does this mean?

Well if ya buying from that site, only one is in stock so that would be the deciding factor...Without that the MSI's higher clock speed of the MSI would make my decision. Manufacturers set their factory over clocks based upon what the VRM and cooling system can handle....yes you can OC a card to match a higher OCd card but then again that card can be OCd too.

The Giga has two fans but the lack of a shroud will somewhat reduce its effectiveness...check the user reviews to see if anything scares ya or grabs ya about either one


Well if ya buying from that site, only one is in stock so that would be the deciding factor...Without that the MSI's higher clock speed of the MSI would make my decision. Manufacturers set their factory over clocks based upon what the VRM and cooling system can handle....yes you can OC a card to match a higher OCd card but then again that card can be OCd too.

The Giga has two fans but the lack of a shroud will somewhat reduce its effectiveness...check the user reviews to see if anything scares ya or grabs ya about either one



I'm not relying on the website.. I could get it from a local store too. But MSI deciding to go with single fan makes me wonder that this fan should be good.. like more RPM and better CFM? If not then I should probably go with Gigabyte like gonna_squeal suggested. And the reason I have double thoughts on Gigabyte is that I have not OCed any card before and don't really know how to do it. I know I could search around and watch a video but I'm afraid I'll mess it up.

Well the Gigabyte reviews did scare me.. two fans but still heat issues? But with MSI...with a good ventilated case I think it should not go beyond 70c which is good. I may go with MSI. Thanks!

I'm in India and prices on the website are in rupees. And as for the 760 (PriPhaze's question as well), the price difference between 760 and 660 is close to 7k which is above 100$. And I also saw that you guys get free game with it! That's cool. But I don't get it with 760. Also I have a question on SLI if you don't mind... Can I SLI two same GPUs from different vendors? Also different clocked frequencies? Just like SLI MSI with Gigabyte?


Thanks a lot!