Which of the following brands of graphics cards is the best?


Jul 12, 2013
Good day Tom's community
Please note that i would like to buy a new graphic card but e don't know which of the following brands of graphics cards is the best between: Sapphire, MSI, ASUS, Gigabyte and EVGA.
I don't care if it is expensive or not, i asking about quality of the final product and also the quality of the cooler.

I had one graphic card from Gigabyte and it was perfect i use it for 3 years but just die, the quality of the components was good on my point of view, i also had an MSI graphic card which was good also.
it really depends on the brand too, amd or nvidia. for amd, the asus coolers really suck hard for the new 290 and 290x, but are AMAZING on the nvidia side

Msi is great on both sides, gigabyte is great on both sides, evga is better than msi (unless you are going with the lightning of course)
Asus is better than msi as well, but not if you are going with the lightning edition
Gigabyte is good, but they are a bit louder, but do run quite fast

Sapphire is AMD only
EVGA is nvidia only

Sapphire is good, but personally i am not a huge fan of them; they just have really flashy coolers that cool well, but not exceptionally

EVGA is also good,

take note that all brands are SOO close in performance that it truly is more of a silicon lottery...

I like the look of EVGA cards the best, MSI's twin frozer coolers are the best on the market. They are all the same relative reliability. So it depends on what you want.... Looks, or quiet. Or, you could stay true to the brand and buy a Nvidia brand card. If you have $750, I would recommend buying a 690 on ebay. Someone is selling them on ebay for $750 as I said. They are the fastest GPU (not workstation) that exists right now, and is the Ge Force flagship.
it really depends on the brand too, amd or nvidia. for amd, the asus coolers really suck hard for the new 290 and 290x, but are AMAZING on the nvidia side

Msi is great on both sides, gigabyte is great on both sides, evga is better than msi (unless you are going with the lightning of course)
Asus is better than msi as well, but not if you are going with the lightning edition
Gigabyte is good, but they are a bit louder, but do run quite fast

Sapphire is AMD only
EVGA is nvidia only

Sapphire is good, but personally i am not a huge fan of them; they just have really flashy coolers that cool well, but not exceptionally

EVGA is also good,

take note that all brands are SOO close in performance that it truly is more of a silicon lottery performance difference than just a better made card difference. unless stated as a bad card (like the asus ones for the 290 and 290x) then you are really fine no matter which one you choose, and should go for,

1) the most affordable
2) best reviewed
3) the one you like the looks of the best
I would probably consider the EVGA and Asus equally and actively look to buy GPUs from these companies when I'm in the market. I would put Gigabyte somewhere in the middle as I have had some DOA from this company, but those that do work have worked well for me. I wouldn't actively seek out an MSI or Sapphire though I've owned both and only had the MSI gone bad on me before I was ready to replace it.
I personally would NOT recommend the 690 OR the 7990 OR the 760 mars (has 2 760 chips in it) dual chip cards are very niche market, and do not perform quite as well as say if the chips in them were crossfired or sli'd and on seperate cards. also, 2 680's are cheaper than a 690 and perform better, you are paying for the ability to only use 1 pci slot. also the 690 does NOT have aftermarket cooled options aside from waterblocks, and so if you are not watercooling, you are stuck with the stock cooler (not a bad cooler, but still not as good as many aftermarket coolers)
Now I can see new brands on the market like Sapphire for Radeon side, but sincerely looks to me like "cheap" products,it can even be good but do not give me this impression.
I can't wait to see your comments ..

I thought that the on board bridge rendered the 690 same or faster than 2 equivalent cards (680s) in SLI.
it is 2 680 chips on one card, thus limiting clock speeds. it is ALMOST as fast a 2 680 (roughly 80-90 % as fast) but 2 680 have indipendant coolers and thus can each perform better, giving overall more performance than 1 690 (though the 690 DOES use less power than 2 680 by a bit)

Dear Brantyn Gerik
Thank you for your reply it is really useful, but in your point of view which one of them have the most quiet cooler ?